DJSP Workshop 2

One of the most important components of running courses, is the planning stages. One such took place on the 2nd of November at the University of Cape Town's Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching's Green room. 

There we were met with 2 participants from the 2019 Co-Creation course, titled "Co-Creating Curricula Across Difference", who gave feedback of their experience as either a student or staff participant. Though 4 years since the co-creation course took place, it was astonishing that the participants were able to recall key activities from the course. They also shared how they were able to implement co-creation into their new roles. One participant, who joined as a student is now a staff member, mentioned that she approaches all her interactions with students as a chance to collaborate. One other participant was new to lecturing when he part-took in the course. He voiced that he wanted students to "feel comfortable and be able to contribute to the space." It was simultaneously described as a "collaborative effort" between students and staff.

This left a good energy in the Green room as the DSJP team continued to brainstorm to offer an impactful student-staff collaborative space. The DSJP team continues to work intensely to offer a short course that it is inclusive and self-aware. 


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